What the fwack?!

Monday, April 18, 2011


I get inspired a lot, actually the correct phrase is I follow a lot. I have always been a follower. Unlike fifty percent of the worlds population who refuses to admit it, I am a follower. But, I am a follower who also have followers;which ironically makes me a leader.
I'm getting a little ahead of myself. I created this blog because currently I am reading The Broke Diaries by Angela Nissel, which is based on a true story, which is her blog of when she was in college struggling. I'm not really struggling right now, in fact I'm rather blessed but hell, I need to rant every once and a while too.
Well, I'm a junior in high school, I am very active in my school. I have four older half brothers and one little brother in which we coincidentally share the same parents. My favorite color is yellow. I can bitch, a lot. I'm not really expecting people to read my blog, I am truly writing this blog for me but hey-who knows? Maybe I'll end up lucky as Ang did and create a nice little novel from my ranting and ravings?

Wishful Thinking,

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