What the fwack?!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Fuck Love Fuck Life Fuck You Fuck Her Fuck Him Fuck Ya'll Fuck School Fuck the Future Fuck this Car Fuck ignorant ass Negroes Fuck having Sex Fuck Money Fuck Pain Fuck your Girlfriend Fuck being your Girlfriend Fuck your Dad Fuck your Mom Fuck a Doctor Fuck your Homie Fuck your brother Fuck your Sister Fuck Commitment Fuck a Home Fuck being Honest Fuck being a Whore Fuck being with You Fuck asking Questions Fuck missing You Fuck being with You Fuck a Holiday Fuck College Fuck advance placement language Class Fuck a college Credit Fuck all these damn pointless Test Fuck cognac, gin, patrone, and Vodka Fuck marijuana, mushrooms, and Robotripping Fuck this Party...Just Fuck Fuck Fuck-i-ty Fuck!!!!!!!

^I'm thinking about submitting my poem in for an assignment credit in AP English when we start discussing poetry...think I'll get an A?

Anyways it's my sisters birthday so I guess I'll get shit faced wasted and drive all the drunk bitches home under the influenced. >.<   (I'm being sarcastic by the way, I don't even have my license yet....that's another story though).

Oh, lesson to all Religion and Sexuality are not great school discussion topics, I'm thinking about making a hit list and setting the whole school on fire...
JUST KIDDING again....God you guys are soo touchy.

Creating the next Columbine scenery in my demented Head,

(just kidding!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sleep Deprivation and Shxt

You know, if we were living in the sixties my ass would be in bed right now? Instead I'm on the internet looking for some new interesting gossip that will motivate me to continue living in this ironically bland world.

Yesterday, I went to sleep at 4 p.m and didn't wake up until this morning 6 a.m. Obviously I discovered that Video Vixen has been running her ass to much and...well Video Vixen's parents don't give a fuck if she's alive or not. (If you're not sure who Video Vixen is...please catch up with "Pregnancy Scares")

Oh  Happy 4/20 to all the non-smokers (like myself) who thinks this "holiday" is kinda stupid. I decided to rename this "National I'm-A-Whore-Because-You-Man-Whores-Think-You-Are-The-Only-One-Who-Can-Have-Fun-Day". Yea fellow Vixens, I got your back.

I promised not to blog more than once a day, but I think this was essential.

Praying that someone who cares will be there when I kick the bucket,

Pregnancy Scares

I feel pregnant, like pretty pregnant.
I know all my past English teachers are just reading this now thinking "why the fuck do I bother", but seriously that's how the hell I'm feeling at this moment....let me explain.
I know this might sound promiscuous so please don't judge me, instead think of all the other loose girls like Rihanna who makes songs about how she likes the smell of sex.

I just broke up with my boyfriend, Aaron, around late February-Early March...that's when Video Vixen came out again. You see, I have (in a way) DID/Multiple Personality Disorder (not really) and I have different personalities. There's Demi-that's the white spoiled bitch that points her nose at everyone and talks "liikke thiss", there's Macy whose pretty  down to earth- the girl you want to take to your mothers home as long as she leaves her other personality Starlette home, Starlette is Bonqui-qui/Shaniqua and any other loud ghetto bitch you can imagine. She don't play. Finally there's Video Vixen, she's a slut.
Anyways (I get off topic A LOT), to make story short I have had sex with two guys this month. Fernandez who I've been shamelessly desiring and flirting with for about a year now and Keddrick...my crazy ass ex who...well that's another blog for another time.
Well knowing my body (sorry if you're a guy and have to read this) haven't had my period yet, so of course I'm thinking this is another pregnancy scare (for the record I have now had three pregnancy scares >.<) this of course would not happened if I just take my damn pills....that's another blog story though.
Here's the signs of pregnancy:
feeling sick in the morning
not having your period
and of course...weight gain.

Well my dumb ass didn't think about how long it takes to gain weight and pressed the panic button. But here's the truth:
The college trip I went on, I ate straight fast-food joints for those seven days.
My lunch consist of fried rice, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Chipotle and any other fast food joint around the southeast area.
I have been eating three times what I usually eat because I am bored...no pommie practice, no exercise simple as that.

So in conclusion, I am not pregnant (thank god), I'm just becoming fat whore.

Looking for the fine brother who can buy me a McDouble and Medium  Fry,

Monday, April 18, 2011

Rants and Raves about relationships

So I'd like to take a moment to talk about relationships, because quite frankly I am sick of them. Not just my own personal relationship but other's as well.

The first pet peeve about relationships are parental relationships. In this time and age half of the young adults that are getting married are more than likely to divorce. If we lived in the thirties or sixties this would have been a huge scandal, however we live in modern day where we have blonde crack whores (such as Lady GaGa) being our children's role model. To be honest I have no problems with divorce. Sure of course it is a sad and unfortunate event but come on people- if you're not happy move on and let the other spouse take half of your earnings rather than get your children even more emotionally involved.
Now, I know it is kind of wrong but I figure none of my family friends or relatives will ever find me on Blogger, and if they do...fuck it. I ABSOLUTELY HATE LIVING IN A HOUSEHOLD WITH TWO UNHAPPY ADULTS! Yes, that means my allowance (what the hell is an allowance?) is bigger and when shit goes down I can always go to the other parent to get out of trouble. But shit people, I can't stand living in a war zone. Rather than drag this out to avoid paying child support let's just get this over with so I can go to sleep peacefully at night mk?

Than of course, I too have my relationship problems. The worse part of the deal is I am not even officially in a relationship, I'm just talking to people! Last time I counted, I was currently talking to twelve guys (hey a girl gotta have her options!) which sounds like a lot, but when you think about how many girls guys talk to...well I'm no different.
I would have to say my biggest pet peeves has got to be when dudes try to snap at me! (Definition of "snap at me": go off, go ham, get crazy, overall bitching). I don't even allow my father to talk to me the way some of these dudes attempt to. I would go bisexual but it honestly go against my religion...and why use a fake object when I can get the real thing (if the reader truly has no idea what object I am referring to, please exit now...you are not mature enough to read my blog). I mean, I am seventeen. I got parties to get fucked up at, guys to screw, days to be grounded, and parent's car keys to steal- why should I be tied down at the moment?
Of course every girl wants the ideal prince charming, three-five kids, nice salary, big house, fancy cars, living next to the Kennedy's,
Well I'm here to tell you girls: GROW THE FUCK UP! Fairy tale's don't exist. You're better off being independent (the definition of independent: not having a sugar daddy;work;or trick, doing things on your own, overall having your shit together minus the man).

Well I think that's enough ranting and raving for now.

Bitterly young,


I get inspired a lot, actually the correct phrase is I follow a lot. I have always been a follower. Unlike fifty percent of the worlds population who refuses to admit it, I am a follower. But, I am a follower who also have followers;which ironically makes me a leader.
I'm getting a little ahead of myself. I created this blog because currently I am reading The Broke Diaries by Angela Nissel, which is based on a true story, which is her blog of when she was in college struggling. I'm not really struggling right now, in fact I'm rather blessed but hell, I need to rant every once and a while too.
Well, I'm a junior in high school, I am very active in my school. I have four older half brothers and one little brother in which we coincidentally share the same parents. My favorite color is yellow. I can bitch, a lot. I'm not really expecting people to read my blog, I am truly writing this blog for me but hey-who knows? Maybe I'll end up lucky as Ang did and create a nice little novel from my ranting and ravings?

Wishful Thinking,